40ml Martini Extra Dry
20ml lemon juice
1 teaspoon apricot jam
or strawberry jam
20ml lemon juice
1 teaspoon apricot jam
or strawberry jam
How to prepare: Fill glasses with ice to make it cold. For boston shaker pour all the ingredients and shake it. Throw away the ice with a glass. Contents boston shaker pour into glass. We decorate apricot, strawberry or other fruit.

Martini (vermouth): Wine flavored with herbs and spices additives. Alcohol content ranges from 12-20% vol. Sometimes sweetened with sugar or caramel.
Due to the color stands out vermouths red (rosso) and white (bianco), and depending on the quantity of sugar is divided into: bitter, dry, sweet. Dry Vermouth is typically used as an aperitif, as it promotes digestion.BOSTON SHAKER: 

How to use the boston shaker: